Tuesday, 19 August 2014


I enjoy doing a few minutes of housework at a time… am I totally nuts?

I enjoy cooking for me and him as long as I keep an eye on the times and don’t make the meals too complicated… am I nuts for that too?

I enjoy binning bags of rubbish as long as they aren’t too big or heavy… that as well?

I enjoy washing clothes and doing the washing up… what about that?

I enjoy light dusting and polishing and putting the cleaner around downstairs… am I totally fruitloop or just house-proud?

If I do it for a couple of minutes at a time then I soon feel motivated to do more, it’s just that my legs won’t hold me up for very long so can’t do too much at a time and the motivation quickly disappears if I don’t get the help I need, as soon as I need it.

Don’t get me wrong, the house gets messy sometimes but I also don’t see why I should do it all and Steve gets praise for things that I’ve done and it’s me that gets criticised for not helping him instead of the other way around!

I ask Steve to do 2 things that I can’t do because of my height – taking out the bin bag from the kitchen bin so that I can tie it up and put it in the outside bin and empty the washer/dryer when it’s finished.

The kitchen bin has been full for the last 10 days and I’ve repeatedly asked Steve to take the bag out of the bin so that I can dispose of it.

The clothes are only washed and dried when Steve needs clean clothes and they are left in the machine where I can’t safely empty it myself.

Oh just ignore me, I’m just whining again!

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