Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Not a word of thanks for even trying! :-(

I took the clean clothes out of the washer/drier and put a new wash on then I started on Steve's tea... what should have taken 15-20 minutes according to the packet actually took 2.5 hours!

Apparently I need to put the grill on full instead of medium then leave the sausages in there for 15 minutes, turning once...

Steve said I needed to put the grill on full for everything and ignore the packet instructions - the sausages need to be across the grill so that they don't fall in the holes and they need to be brown, not grey too.

You watch me forget at lunchtime though!  lol

I'm just glad I took my opal rings off so that they didn't explode... I hope I remember to take them off at lunchtime too!

Did I get a word of thanks from Steve?  Nope, just criticism  :-(

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