Saturday, 22 July 2017

Money - I don't get it!

Just checked me bank balance and after next week's shopping has come out, I'll have £80 left over.

Add that to the £75 I've spent on Amazon and supplements and stuff makes £155 yeah?

Add on the £100 I've moved into B for the printer makes £255 yeah?

I can understand where the £55 has come from, cos that's been building up over the months at about a tenner a month.

I get £760 a month in benefits

Take off £330 for me bills leaves £430 yeah?

£100 a week times 4 weeks in a month is £400 yeah?

That leaves me with £30 that I was expecting.

Last month was tight so where has the £225 come from this month??

Even if I say we spent £105 a week on shopping, that still leaves me with an extra £200 for some reason!

So come on, readers of my blog... where has the extra £200 come from during July??

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