Saturday 5 October 2024

Mornin' all

My first post in my late 40's lol

I've woken up feeling very stiff and sore and a little bit icky but that's normal for me after my flu jab and will hopefully only last a couple of weeks.

I've done the first BP and pulse check of the day and the top number was 135 which has only happened once before since the start of the product test so I'm not too worried.  I've popped my 9 morning pills and the virus scan is still chugging away so I've opened my birthday card from my mum and got a surprise gift from my brother, his partner and their toddler son, which I'll use after my morning carer has left.

Gonna take things very easy today while my body adjusts.  I've gotta book my other jab and have a bath today too, so I've got a busy day ahead of me.

This blog post is getting long, so I'm gonna publish it and put today's to-do list together.

I'll see you all in a bit with any luck.

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