Wednesday, 22 January 2025



It's been a long, very limited day because of the backups, but I can finally check my emails for the first time since last night!

I'm expecting a delivery tomorrow of a new computer that I'll be using for surveys and stuff so that I don't have to worry about private emails and files and stuff being seen accidentally.

I'm also thinking of investing in a hot water bottle but it'll need to be one with a big hole so that I don't accidentally burn myself as I fill it up... that can wait for a little while though - it's a nice to have thing rather than an essential.

I'm also wearing my new glasses and radiators and boxes and my phones and laptop all have clear edges now! lol

I've downed the last NaNo/JanNo J2O because I've done as much as I can until I've got the Neuro's handwriting decoded and a couple of medical questions answered by my doc surgery so I decided to stop it feeling lonely on its own and I've got a drinking choccie on the go too.

Basically, today could have gone better, but I'm glad it didn't go overly badly either.

Time to give my FitBit some juice so that it records my sleep tonight, then I'll catch up with all of today's emails.

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