Monday, 27 January 2025

Mornin' all

Well, that was a surprise I didn't need this morning!

I took my blood pressure, then my morning pills and everything was going fine and normal, so I booted up my laptop and it was slower than normal, so I started getting worried.  It got to what should have been the log in screen and it said that there had been an issue loading the user interface so it was logging out.  

The alarm bells started clanging loudly.  

A good 5 minutes later it got back to the usual log in screen and I logged in which took another 5 minutes and there was nothing on my desktop - it looked like a completely new install of Windows!

I rebooted and made myself a calming drinking choccie and everything was fine when I logged in this time, so I think it must have been Loki clearing His throat to tell me He wants more attention lol  I'm definitely virus free 'cos the daily scan was still clear, which was my first thought when I got properly back into my machine.

I've already weighed myself and I can do one set of laps every day this week, thankfully.

I'm sure my blood pressure is through the roof now, but I'm hoping I'll just be able to get on with my day now.

I've got 2 deliveries due today and 1 tomorrow so I hope that I'm not naked when they arrive lol  Gotta remember to bring my rubbish and recycling containers in when they have been emptied too.

Time to get today's to-do list together and drain my drink before my first carer of the week arrives.


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