Saturday, 25 January 2025

Tomorrow (Sunday) I've gotta remember...

...that I've already put the rubbish and recycling outside and replaced the bag in the living room for a rare change.  I've got a feeling that tomorrow will be a day of forgetfulness so I'm not taking any chances 'cos both the rubbish and recycling need to be emptied this week.

I've emailed my SIL about some things I'd like her to help me with tomorrow and texted her so that she knows it's waiting for her when she finishes work but my body is telling me not to take any chances with things I need to remember tomorrow so all I need to remember now is to put my key on as soon as my carer has gone tomorrow and to take my bum bag with me as well as the bag with the boxes, drink and letter in it.

You watch me forget my coat and quad cane now lol

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