Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Thaaat's more like it!

I've just had my first medically allowed caffeinated drink of the year (I was told I could have 2-3 servings a week but the caffeine was too strong so I've not felt the need to have it anything like that much for about a year or even 18 months now) and I used the Barista caramel milk in my foamer as an experiment and it tastes a lot better.

I've very nearly finished the jar of caffeinated instant coffee after just under (as in about 2 weeks under, according to my past groceries) a year and I won't be getting another jar now that I've got single serve packets for visitors instead.

Aaaanyway, I'm getting off-topic lol

If you find the taste of instant (caffeinated) coffee too strong, maybe invest in a flavoured milk to make it with instead of water?  I've got a milk foamer and used Alpro's Barista (soya) Caramel this time and I reckon that's hit the nail on the head for me!

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