Sunday 28 July 2024

Mornin' all

I've been awake for 2 hours and downstairs for 1, doing battle with my laptop, so this is the first opportunity I've had to kick off my monthly virus scan and say hello to you all.

I've taken my 8 morning pills, with my morning glass of water, and only had to crunch up 1 of them this morning, so that's pretty good.

My last carer of the week could turn up at any time and I've gotta remember to contact the Olio-er as soon as I've had my breakfast so that they can come for their things.  Gotta remember to take the rubbish and recycling out and hopefully read a book today.  My SIL is coming over "after lunch" to put a couple of things up for me so I bet the Olio-er will turn up while she's here!  lol

This blog post is getting long, so I'm gonna publish it and attempt to get today's to-do list together and up before my final carer of the week arrives.

BBS (I hope).

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