Friday 26 July 2024

Mornin' mornin'

I've woken up truly beaten this morning so it's gonna take me aaaages to recover from yesterday so I reckon I'll take myself back to bed after my carer has left on Sunday... I certainly won't be doing much today!

I've popped my morning pills and discovered that throwing my head back as soon as I've taken the mouthful of water, then swallowing, means that I can get my magic pill quarters down without getting stressed out which makes it even harder to swallow them and the snowball has started.

I've also remembered to refill my squash bottle and give my FitBit some early morning juice, so I'm just waiting for my morning carer to turn up now.

Gonna spend my day with my nose in my next book so that I can try and recover as much as possible.  Relieved that I'm not going out on Sunday this month 'cos that'll give me even more time to recover too, thankfully.

The daily virus scan was still clear, so that's good news too.

Time to put my day's to-do list together now methinks.


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