Thursday 18 July 2024


Available here

My usual supplier of choccie raisins has only supplied them once in the last 3 orders I've placed with them, so I've given up with getting them from this particular place now and decided to try trusty old Amazon.

These came up in the search I did for me-friendly choccie raisins and at over £25 for less than a kilo, I was only going to give them one single chance to blow my socks off with the quality.

They arrived just before my lunchtime carer turned up so wasn't able to try them before lunch.  I needed a chocolate 'fix' after having such a savoury lunch so opened up the box and checked the ingredients.

Yep, me friendly and suitable for vegans so it had ticked all the boxes so far.

Nervously opened the first bag, expecting it to be full but when I looked into the bag, the vast majority was air and there was about 2cm of choccie raisins right at the bottom of the bag... a big disappointment and the first star was wobbly already.

I nervously reached in and picked out a single choccie raisin...

...put it in my mouth...

...chewed (obviously lol)...


Instant hit of pure chocolatey delight!

I reached in and took a few more out of the bag.


Have I found my new favourite choccie raisin supplier?

I finished the bag off and I was immediately craving more, so I got a second bag and opened it.


Waaay too moreish.

I had to be strict with myself and take the other 4 bags through to the kitchen to put them away before I polished the lot off in one sitting.

They are very expensive but worth every penny to me!

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