Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Loki is...

...definitely in control today!  😄

It started this morning but I can't remember when, why or what, but in the last 30 minutes my carer has arrived, made my soup, left, I've drained the mug, the Freegler said they would be here in 5 minutes so I did the washing up, dried my hands and the door went, I gave the leggings to the Freegler and sat down, then remembered about needing to put the bags in front of the door.  My groceries are currently due at 4.04pm and the delivery that was supposed to be here tomorrow is coming today between 5pm and 8pm so I bet it'll turn up while I'm in the bathroom lol

I've gotta put last week's FitBit image together and upload it to my website too.

Basically, I'll be able to park my arse for about an hour between my groceries turning up and my delivery potentially arriving... it feels like I've barely sat down for more than 10 minutes all day lol

Still, when it's done, it's done so as long as my delivery gets here before I take my pills I can put up with being run off my feet for a few hours!

Thank you Loki!

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