Saturday, 2 February 2019

Saturday 2nd February 2019

The puppy only wanted to do 300% today, so there's 1950% in the bank.  Gonna see if she wants to go for another walk later on though.

She's just done an eye-wateringly smelly poo in the back yard so she got a biscuit for that and I feel more confident about taking her out again now 'cos clearing her poo up in the street makes me incredibly unsteady on my feet.

I always clear it up, of course, but I prefer her to do it next to a car or one of the house walls so that I can lean against it as I pick up her poo.  Clearing it up from the back yard is a lot better 'cos there's a long handled pooper-scooper that I use for that and Steve holds the bag open for me to put it all in too... I get the smelly part of the clearing up and he just makes sure the bag doesn't fly off.

Taken me supplements now.  The Calcium and Multi weren't as easy to swallow as the last few days but the Iron and B12 went down with no probs at all.  Hopefully it's just a blip and all four of them will be fine to swallow again tomorrow.

I've given up with backing up my documents to the external hard drive now.

As of next week, I'm gonna back up my documents to OneDrive and everything else to the external hard drive.  Means I don't have to uninstal and reinstall Visual Studio which was a scary prospect!

As soon as the first documents backup has finished, I'll take the pup out for part 2 of our stroll then check my emails and Facebook and do the surveys and stuff.

Just done another 400% so there's 2350% in the walkies bank now so we've only got to do a total of 250% tomorrow to take it up 2500% extra which is almost guaranteed by now.  I'd love to do a total of 750% to take it up to 3000% but I'm not going to force the pup to do that much, so it'll either be a short walk first thing, or another 2-parter again so that my OCD is happy.  Maybe 350% first thing then another 400% after lunch?  I'm not going to force the puppy though, as long as we do 350% I won't force her to do any more than that.

We're both wiped out now lol  My legs are killing me and the puppy has just got into her bed to lay down, bless her!

1486 steps too, and it's only 2.30pm so I'm almost guaranteed to smash my personal best (1500) with steps too!  Might even manage 1750 steps which would be totally amazing!

First survey of the day completed.

Already beaten my personal best and am currently at 1553 steps.  Doubt I'll manage 200 steps in the next 4 hours but I'm happy with the current number already  👍

That's me prescription swallowed, so I'm gonna take surveys until it kicks in then I'll head to bed.

Just under 2 hours earlier than usual, but I'm wiped out so I'm going to bed!  💤💤

Nite nite orl!  💤💤💤

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