Monday 22 July 2024

Mornin' all

Well, so far so good with the remembering.  I noticed that my watch was at half power last night which prompted me to have a look at my FitBit charge level and that was at 74% so knew I had to remember to charge them both up this morning.  I've put my watch on to charge and I'll try and remember to charge up my FitBit after I've had breakfast and done my laps (assuming I'm still in the safe weight zone when I weigh myself this morning).  Gotta bring the food waste caddy back in and I wanna try and read for a while today too... we'll have to wait and see how the day goes though 'cos I'll potentially be run off my feet today.

The daily virus scan has just finished and was still, reassuringly, clear so that's a relief.

I've popped my morning pills with my morning glass of water so I've just gotta wait for my carer now.

This first post is getting long, so I'm gonna shut up now and hopefully put my to-do list up before my carer gets here.

BBS (I hope)

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