Tuesday 16 July 2024

Tomorrow, I've gotta remember...

...in pretty much this order:

  • Not to open my email programmes because...
  • it's Wednesday so it's the weekly virus scan so...
  • putting my laptop on the floor for breakfast isn't a problem and...
  • there's no need to get anxious about having enough time for the backups this week because...
  • lunch will be a mug of instant soup that I've gotta...
  • take a photo of in the kitchen then...
  • bring it into the living room to drink.
  • If I get hungry in the afternoon then there are chocolate milkshakes in the fridge and...
  • if I can wait for half an hour, I can have fruit loaf too.
  • Most of all, don't stress out!!!
It'll take a few days for my body to get used to the new lunches again before I start having toast for breakfast too, I've just gotta be patient and go easy on myself if my body starts complaining.

I won't need to put my laptop on the floor other than for my breakfasts, but that shouldn't be too much of a problem 'cos my carer will have gone by then and the weekly virus scan will still be chugging away so my external hard drive will still be in its home so I just need to listen to my body and give it whatever it tells me it needs.

I've also gotta remember to charge up my phones and FitBit between carer visits too as well as doing my laps.  It's gonna be all go tomorrow, but I'll be fine as long as I take it one small step at a time and don't get stressed out about anything - I'll lean on Gaia and ask Her for reassurance and support if things start going haywire, but timing isn't so important tomorrow, I've just gotta remember the virus scan and backups mean the lunch photo will be in the kitchen until I'm back to having solid lunches again.

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