I'm saying goodnight to all my wonderful readers for the last time in 2024 and I want to scream a huge thank you to each and every one of you for keeping reading throughout the last year - seeing those "read" numbers grow for each post throughout each day gives me the motivation to keep going and keep posting and most importantly not giving up.
I'm hoping to put more honest health posts up next year 'cos my best friend C has been quietly encouraging me to let my mask lower ever so slightly and it's starting to feel like yes, my feelings, my emotions and my health do matter and it is OK to talk about how I'm genuinely feeling at any given time. I have as much right to be gloomy and whiney and struggling as you do to not read those posts if you don't want to. My mask has been firmly in place for the last 35 years so 2025 is gonna be the year that I try and pluck up the courage to let it slip and be honest enough to tell people "no" or "not right now" without apologising.
I've kept my New Year's Resolution this year and unless something drastic happens before midnight, there's no way I can break it now. I'll be unashamedly busy throughout January because of JanNo and I'm not going to apologise for being unavailable for the first time in my life.
I'm not sure when/how often/what I'll post until I've finished JanNo, so don't worry if there aren't my usual good morning/to-do/goodnight posts for a while - I'll be fine, I'll just be in a totally new headspace covering lots of firsts so I'll need to zone out potentially for the full 31 days.
Gotta remember that as well as JanNo it's the weekly virus scan and backups tomorrow too - you watch me forget though lol
This final blog post of the year is the longest one I've made for a while so I'm gonna shut up now and head on up to beddy-byes in the hope that the fireworks from my very local pub don't wake me up/keep me awake this year.
I'll see you all at some point in 2025.
Nite nite orl.
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