Thursday, 20 March 2025

Book Review: "How to Publish a Book on Amazon in 2025: Real Advice from Someone Who’s Doing it Well" by Sam Kerns

Kindle Unlimited Audiobook Paperback

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5

All the books I've read and reviewed for a while now have all started off with me saying that each book starts off with the full shelf of 5 stars and that I'm always hopeful that they will all be stuck firmly in place by the time I close the back cover.  There are two things different with this book and review - first:  I don't usually read non-fiction (but I'd love to read more) and second:  I've written a grown-up memoir about my rare disability and I'm way out of my depth when it comes to publishing it.  I know I want to publish it on Amazon, and I've already written it but I haven't got the first foggiest clue about publishing it!  Will this book be able to clear the fog for me?  I really hope so!

Let's get going with the reading and reviewing.

I've read 5 pages so far and I've learnt about needing to offer my book in different languages too, which I hadn't even thought of!  The author has promised to go over it later in the book and I can't wait to see what the author says!

Page 10/11 talks about not letting your book drown in the ocean of similar books - mine is safe from that because I've only found one other book on the same topic as mine and it was the push that I needed to finally put my fingers to the keyboard for NaNo24.

Page 15 has touched on using the Amazon search bar which I hadn't even thought about, so that's two things I've learnt and will be working on in 4 pages... this book is already a gold-mine for me and I'm only 10% of the way through so far!

I don't agree with editing as you go... I'm more of a write the manuscript, let it fester for a month so that I can completely forget what I've written and only then give it it's first run-through of editing... my memoir is due for it's third rewrite in 5 months but I was still able to write my first/vomit draft in under 2 weeks without any editing at all because I was just too close to it at the time I was writing it.

I'm up to chapter 5 (page 43) now and just in time for me to start closing everything down for the night.  I got this book on my Kindle Unlimited subscription and if the rest of the book is like the first four chapters then I'll be buying it so that I can keep it for future too!

I'm up to page 70 now and so far so good.  I won't need a table of contents in my book so won't need the blank page, but it was interesting to read about how to do it.

I'm stopping at page 79 so that I can unpack, in my own mind, what the author has just told me and I'll start reading again after lunch.

Page 85 now and I think I'm getting my head around the categories bit now... especially contacting Amazon if I can't find a suitable category - scary stuff (for me at least)!

Chapter 11 (page 93) will hopefully be the "yes" or "no" that I've been pondering on - enrolling in Kindle Unlimited.

Unfortunately Chapter 11 didn't go into enough detail for my liking and I'm still not 100% sure what to do... right now, it's a no for me, but that could change again!  lol

I've learnt something about the distribution and wholesalers... it's something else that I won't be doing!

I've pondered on getting an audiobook produced and available for my book, but three of the words, especially, are used throughout and are pronounced soo differently to how they're written!  I'll keep thinking about it until the cut-off day though.

I'm up to chapter 15 (page 122) and I think I'll stop there for another day.

This book has given me a few (expensive) review sites but there are also other cheap/free sites that I've never heard of so I'll go with those first I reckon.

Blimey Charlie!  That chapter alone was worth every penny I paid for this book and so much more!!  I think they are all American sites, judging by the prices and URLs alone, but I'm really hoping that they will have a UK part too.

Just finished reading it and the last few pages were a huuuuuge disappointmet because it was purely self-promotion for the author's other books, but if you're prepared to overlook that then this book is a true gold-mine/fountain of knowledge and worth every penny you pay for it.  I've got a clear plan of things I need to do and a big list of websites to visit to get my book noticed when its ready to go live... if you're a writer looking for someone to take you by the hand and take you step-by-step through everything, you really need to get this book in your library.

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