Thursday, 20 March 2025

Mornin' all

I hope any fellow Pagans out there are enjoying a Blessed Ostara this morning!

I've taken my blood pressure, popped my 10 morning pills, started and finished the daily virus scan (which was still clear) and made myself a me-friendly creamy decaff mocha because there isn't time to make my toast, eat it and let it settle so that I don't throw up if my carer arrives at 6.30am.  If she's been and gone by 7.30am then I'll make myself some toast and juice but if not then I'll be having another liquid day again.

I'm expecting a delivery of a couple more long-sleeved tops today, to go with my new leggings so it could be a late night for me.  I'll hopefully be able to finish reading and reviewing the book today but everything is reliant on other people's timings today so I'm a bit limited.

Time to get today's to-do list together now I reckon.


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