Thursday, 2 March 2017

Just had to move £50 out of B, because...

I've just had to move £50 back out of my secondary account to pay for the shopping this week.

Means we have £71 to spend on the shopping this week, instead of the £130 that I was thinking, but that's because I had to triple the amount I spent on the Namehog stuff unexpectedly.  Can go back to spending £130 a week and moving over the money I don't spend after that though now that I don't need to worry about Namehog stuff next month.

Totally my fault... my maths was wrong and I totally forgot about this week's shopping not coming out of my account when I paid the Namehog stuff and moved the money over.

As of next pay day, I'm back on track to spening £115 a week on shopping, £40 a month into B and anything I don't spend on the shopping each week goes into B too.

I haven't got as much in B as I had yesterday, but that's to be expected just for one more week.


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