Friday, 3 May 2024

Very personal question for lady female women out there

If you're not female you can stop reading now.

If you're not menopausal or haven't been through the menopause, you can safely stop reading too.

OK, so this is a very personal question for those females who are either currently going through or have been through the menopause and it's about hair growth at the start of the menopause.

I'm 46 years old and I've got a coil fitted thanks to Endometriosis so haven't had a proper period for about 15 years now, just some very light spotting when the coil needs to be replaced so haven't got a clue if my periods have changed or not.  What I have noticed though, is that the hair growth on my arms, armpits and legs has changed.

I used to look like a bear within days of shaving, but it's been at least 10 days since my last shave and there's barely any hair on my legs, none on my arms and only slightly more in my pits which is nowhere near normal for me and it's been the same for about 6-9 months now which is nowhere near normal for me.  I've also started sprouting hairs on my chin too, which has never happened before in my life.

Soo, my question, based on hair growth alone, is could I have started going through the menopause please?

If you, understandably, don't wanna post publicly about it, just pop me an email to and I won't utter a word to anyone about it without your permission.

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