Sunday 15 September 2024

Actually feeling...

...pretty darn proud of myself right now!

I know that these will be minuscule achievements to the vast majority of you, but putting them all together in the same day and still being on my feet is a major achievement for me!

It started by needing to change my socks twice within a few minutes (achievement number 1) because the elastic had totally decided to snap in the top so one sock slipped down every time I moved so I had to change them as soon as I'd closed the door after my carer left, then hurriedly made my breakfast (achievement number 2) then made myself a drinking choccie 'cos I was gasping (achievement number 3) then got the choccie raisins out of the fridge 'cos I was still hungry (achievement number 4) and didn't panic about there not being time to put my breakfast photo onto Insta (achievement number 5). 

I didn't fall over the entire time I was out (achievement number 6) as well as remembering to ask my SIL for her bank details (achievement number 7) but we both forgot by the time we got back here lol  Achievement number 8 was that I managed to do my laps and achievement number 9 was that I managed to do the washing up then achievement number 10 was refilling my dosette box without getting muddled up and I've made myself a drinking choccie as a reward and I'm not going to move off the sofa until my 11th achievement of charging up my FitBit is done and dusted.

I'm gonna be seriously regretting it tomorrow but right now I don't care!

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