Saturday 14 September 2024

Meal photo's...

...won't be happening any more either 'cos the same thing is happening with my breakfast photo this morning as happened with the carer videos yesterday, so Blogger have obviously decided to make the blogs text only which is disappointing, but it means that you'll just have to believe me about each meal now  😉

I'll still keep taking the photos and videos, they just won't be on display and if you wanna see them then you'll just have to email me and specify which date and meal you want to see so that I can let you have the photo and you can see that I'm still eating and be able to tell from the file name who made the meal 😉

I guess I'll have to work out a new system of colours (like with the blue on my to-do list) for media things instead now.

I'll still be putting the photos on Insta (until/unless they stop allowing that too) but my blogs will be text only from now on by the looks of things.

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