Tuesday 10 September 2024

Nite nite orl

Tomorrow is gonna be a quiet day of just vegging out and recovering.

It's the weekly virus scan and backups tomorrow so I've gotta remember not to open my email programmes until they are all done, dusted and put away.

If I'm quieter than normal tomorrow it's 'cos I'm reading through the two fundraising packs and doing any admin that needs to be done while I can't save anything to my laptop.  I've also gotta remember that 2 of the 3 spreadsheets are on OneDrive and the third can be updated whenever necessary 'cos it's in the folder that doesn't get backed up.  I can't save the product testing photos tomorrow 'cos of the backups as well... you watch me forget though lol

I've also got a subscription box due tomorrow as well as potentially the last two deliveries of foody things to try and keep my calorie count up now that my lunches are only 77 calories.

I'm absolutely cream-crackered so I'm gonna head straight on up to beddy-byes.

I'll see you in the morning.

Nite nite orl.

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