Friday 25 August 2023

Blimey Charlie!!

I've been having a bit of a read of my main disability and I could've sworn that it affected 3-5% of the UK population but the page I've just read a paragraph of says " It is most prevalent among alcoholics. However in nonalcoholics the prevalence varies from 0.04% to 0.13%." so basically it's even rarer than I was thinking and it affects less than 1%!  <gulp>  Also, my psychosis is linked to the diagnosis rather than the depression too!  Basically I'm screwed for life and I'll be pill-popping the APs and thiamin for the rest of my life!

Another page has a list of the symptoms, so let's go through them and I'll let you know which ones I've got:

Balance problems or loss of coordination.  ✔
  • Confabulation.  ✔ which is different from lieing and I correct myself straight away when I notice it has happened
  • Confusion (delirium).  ✔
  • Difficulty walking (unsteady gait).  ✔
  • Drowsiness.  ✔
  • Extreme loss of body heat (hypothermia).  ✔ I haven't knowingly become hypothermic but I'm always soooo cold, even in the middle of a heatwave!
  • Heart issues, including rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) or low blood pressure (hypotension) kinda - my new watch constantly monitors my heart rate and blood pressure and I've been told multiple times that I've got low blood pressure but I haven't got a clue what a normal or rapid heartbeat is - it usually sits at around the high 70's to low 80's when I'm just sat around using my computer but gets into the low 100's when I'm doing my laps - is that high?

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