Monday 3 June 2024

First update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Weigh myself
  • Log weight into FitBit
  • Do morning laps?? - not this week
  • Bring rubbish sack back in
  • Bring food waste caddy back in
  • Bring recycling container back in
  • Put first load of laundry on to wash and dry
  • Put first load of laundry away
  • Put second load of laundry on to wash and dry
  • Put second load of laundry away
  • Put third load of laundry on to wash and dry
  • Put third load of laundry away
  • Do the news
  • Keep working on memorial site
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Ask carer to help me to change the bedding
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do afternoon laps?? - not this week
  • Wash and dry the bedding
  • Put bedding on stairs to air
  • Take bedding upstairs and put it away
  • Resize more of the videos
  • Rename compressed videos
  • Make vlog posts to my new blog
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find crystal cabinet
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review last book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

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