Monday 24 June 2024

Today's (24th June 2024) breakfast photo

I couldn't put yesterday's breakfast photo up 'cos my email programme refused to open, so was forced to do a system restore this morning and everything seems to be working again now <touch wood>.

Today's breakfast was just my usual choccie Weetabix with plant protein soya milk and a 250ml bottle of orange juice.  I took the photo and ate in the kitchen today, because the system restore was still chugging away and I didn't want to risk putting my laptop on the floor in case I screwed something up.  I've also had a couple of drinking chocolate's (one with me-friendly squirty cream and the other without) 'cos I need to increase my weight again, after being weighed during my medical appointment on Wednesday and finding out that I'm (slightly) underweight again.  My scales are obviously reading 2kg heavier than they should be, but now that I know that, I know what my new goal weight is on those scales.

Here's today's breakfast photo:

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