Monday 24 June 2024

First update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Read through hospital medical records - just got the test results and microfilm to go now - I'm over the major part of my stay so they are just feeding me up and sending me home now... I've just started eating and drinking again so I'm just rounding the last corner of the marathon!
  • Plan out more of my NaNo/JanNo book with the new information
  • Try and decipher what each medical bod wrote - about to start between bathroom visits... maybe the caffeine wasn't such a good idea after all lol - I've managed to get through the first medical bod's handwriting so far, which was hard going but will be worth it when I've finally got it all down on screen and I'm up to page 3 of 372 so far so I've got a loooong way to go but at least I've made a start now! - I'm pretty much there now... I've got to the bit where the thought that I might have WKE was initially thought of, but I can't read the handwriting at all, so I'm gonna finish going through the notes tomorrow, writing down all the tests I had and the results of those tests, do the same with the third document, then save them onto a couple of CDs (one for me, one for the poor sod who's gotta go through it at my GP surgery) and write to my surgery to beg, plead and grovel for their help to work out what the notes from the Neuro that saved my life say. - I'm thinking it'll just be the feeding and prescribing then sending me home now, but I've made 16 A4 pages of notes so far lol
  • Go through test results and put the results in appropriate places in my research/planning info
  • Go through microfilm document and write down questions for my GP surgery
  • Go through microfilm document and put info in appropriate places in my research/planning info
  • Save all the documents onto 2 CDs
  • Write to my GP surgery with all the questions
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Put first video on my new blog
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Put second video on my new blog
  • Have breakfast
  • Weigh myself - I've put on 1.6kg in the last week, so as long as I can do the same this week I'll be able to restart my laps again next week
  • Log weight into FitBit app
  • Do washing up
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Run driver scanner to see if that fixes my email problems
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Put third video on my new blog
  • Ask carer to help me change the bedding
  • Bring bedding downstairs
  • Have lunch
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Wash and dry bedding
  • Put clean bedding on bottom of stairs to air
  • Take bedding upstairs
  • Put bedding away
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Put fourth video on my new blog
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Find more Pagany things
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile
  • Study my courses
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

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