Monday 3 June 2024


...finished the can of me-friendly squirty cream and also the tub of drinking chocolate and I'm 773 calories over budget, so I've done well today.

Tomorrow will be a crisps and chocolate lunch and creamy drinking chocolates for each drink so that I can go over my calorie budget again.

Wednesday to Saturday will, assuming they're in stock, be Quorn snack eggs and crisps, Sunday is another roast lunch, Monday will either be leftovers or more crisps and chocolate 'cos the fridge-freezer is getting defrosted then Tuesday is my last day of crisps and chocolate 'cos I'll be able to eat proper meals of either the snack eggs or garlic and herb bites as of Wednesday.

It's gonna be a weird couple of weeks, but I love being allowed as many creamy drinking chocolates as I want without feeling guilty - I'm hoping it'll do good things to my weight ready for next Monday's weigh-in so that I can hopefully start my laps again.

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