Wednesday, 10 July 2024

Today's (10th July 2024) breakfast and lunch photos

As today is a Wednesday, it was time for my weekly virus scan and backups.  I'd just started the backups off by the time my carer left and didn't fancy taking the risk of having to restart them after I'd eaten, so my breakfast was had in the kitchen this morning and was my now usual choccie Weetabix with plant protein soya milk and a bottle of orange juice.

All was tickety boo until literally 5 minutes before my lunchtime carer arrived, so I barely had time to put my external hard drive away before she arrived.  Lunch was pretty much the same as yesterday in that it was a 350g punnet of British strawberries and 2 apples, but I needed to ramp my calories up so I had 2 blueberry and 2 cherry soya yoghurts for pud then made myself a me-friendly creamy hot chocolate, which has put me where I want to be now, so I can relax for the rest of the afternoon.

Here are today's three photos:

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