Sunday 8 September 2024

Do NOT read when you eat!!

If it's around the time you're gonna eat - either because you're about to put food in your mouth or you've just finished your last mouthful, please stop reading now and come back later!

You have been warned!

I think I've finally poo'd out everything that was in my digestive system because all that I'm producing now is guffs of air instead of the liquid of yesterday or the semi-solid of this morning.

The immediate urge to go is still very much there, but I don't actually produce anything now, so that's a relief.

Not sure how long it'll take today's two meals to work through, but I know that I can safely eat solids again now.  It's been an awful 37.5 hours, but I'm just rounding the final corner and I think I can see the finish line in the distance now.

Fingers crossed 🤞 that things will be back to normal tomorrow morning.

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