Tuesday 10 September 2024

Mornin' all

I've woken up feeling like I haven't slept for a week and I can only put that down to re-starting my laps yesterday.  Hopefully the protein powder will give me an energy boost when I have it after breakfast.

My morning pills have been popped, the product test used (but not recorded yet) and the virus scan started.  I'm pondering on popping another happy pill, but I've already taken 10 pills this morning and my mood isn't through the floor quite yet, so I I dunno... what do you reckon I should do?

I've gotta remember to reply to C this morning as he sent me an email yesterday but my email programme decided it didn't want to play nicely so I couldn't reply.

My groceries are due today too, so I've gotta remember the bags and to put in my next order on top of everything else.

This blog post is getting long so I'm gonna publish it and attempt to put my first to-do list of the day up before my carer arrives.

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