Monday 3 June 2024

Goood morning again all

I've popped my morning pills with my morning glass of water and my magic pill got to work on my cotton wool brain in less than a minute again, so I'll never stop taking it again.

Gotta remember that it's my weekly weigh-in after I've had my breakfast... will I be able to do my laps or will I have lost too much weight to safely do them this week?  Gotta remember to bring my rubbish and recycling containers in when they've been collected today too.

I've got a decaff tea on the go to start my week off and the daily virus scan is underway so I'm gonna publish this then hopefully put today's to-do list together before my first carer of the week arrives.

The virus scan finished while I was putting the labels on this blog post and everything is still 'Looking Good!' so that's reassuring.


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