Wednesday 19 June 2024

Gooood morning all!

I've remembered to not open my emails this morning and started the weekly scan off first time.  I've also popped my morning pills with my morning glass of water and the 2 halves of the magic pill went down OK, but not as easily as yesterday, but I paused between my bladder pill (which is the biggest one) and the two halves, so that might have been why?

Today is the day I could potentially only be having breakfast and maybe not even that, depending on what time my carer gets here.  Lunch will be chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate when I get back from my medical appointment lol

This blog post is getting a bit long, so I'm gonna publish it now and put up today's to-do list before my only carer today arrives, then I'll have my breakfast and do my laps before recovering from them.  Gotta remember NOT to start the backups off when the virus scan has finished otherwise I'll be getting in a panic before my medical appointment which won't do my blood pressure any good.


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