Monday 9 September 2024

Mornin' all

I've woken up with a streaming nose and a sore and dry throat so the cold season has definitely started for me.

My 9 morning pills have been popped with my glass of water so I'm ready to start the new week afresh after the gross weekend.

My first delivery was dispatched overnight and is due "by 10pm today" so I really hope it turns up waaaay before that!  It's a vegan protein powder that I'm expecting to feel sick the first few times I have it 'cos that's just my body getting used to something it's never had before, but it's got 15g (if I'm remembering rightly) of protein per serving so that'll send it skyrocketing which can only be a good thing, right?

The daily virus scan was still reassuringly clear and I've used the product I'm testing for the first time this week, so I've just gotta add the results to the spreadsheet now... gonna put today's to-do list up first though.

BBS (I hope)

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