Saturday 1 June 2024

It's official...

...I have now finished my pandemic shampoo and conditioner.

I bought both bottles right at the start of the pandemic, just before we stopped being able to get delivery slots at our usual supermarket and I've officially emptied them with this shower and hair washing session, so it officially took 4.5 years to get through 500ml.

It shows how little I left the house after it was announced 'cos that's the only time I wash my hair and I've washed it maybe 50 times in the last couple of years so most of it has been used up then, but I refused to leave the house as soon as I got the letter from my doc about being on the vulnerable list.

I've now put the 2 new bottles in the bathroom... apple flavour again, but Alberto Balsam instead of supermarket own brand, so they were obviously substitutions when I ordered them.

I'm gonna put my breakfast and lunch photos up together again, 'cos my carer is due in half an hour or so and it'll take me longer than that to resize my breakfast photo and put it on here and Insta lol

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