Thursday 20 June 2024

Mornin' all

After a good day yesterday, my mood is through the floor this morning, I'm knackered, wobbly, confused, sore and I'm back to having cotton wool in my head again.

I've popped all my morning pills and I've got my first drinking chocolate of the day on the go - will I be able to finish it before my carer arrives??

The virus scan found an advanced issue while I was making the drink, but that's resolved now, thankfully.

Task for today is to finish going through C's site and giving him feedback on it, then go through my hospital records and try to work out what the squiggles are so that I can type them all out ready for planning my NaNo24/JanNo25 book out a bit more.

I'm gonna publish this now and get ready for my first carer of the day now.


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