Tuesday 4 June 2024

Mornin' all/woops!

I've been downstairs and using the computer for an hour and a half and have literally just realised that I haven't made this good morning post or put up my to-do list yet!  Woops!

I've popped my morning pills, run the virus scan and had my first creamy drinking chocolate of the day.  I've also been shopping for a pill cutter and I've put a crystal cabinet and fake plant for the kitchen onto the order too, to bump it up to the free delivery otherwise I'd be paying more for the postage than the pill cutter!

I've got a delivery due "by 9pm" of a cardigan and ankle socks to replace the ones that the elastic that my current ones have gone in.  The cardigan was an extra for the same reason as today's shop lol

This is getting long and I wanna put my day's to-do list up before the carer arrives, so that I don't forget that too!

BBIAB I hope.

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