Thursday, 24 September 2020


The puppy dog has just got home after about 1½ hours away from us and she looks soooo different now❗  The groomers did such a fantastic job that both of her ears are standing to attention again now, but they were floppy from the weight of all her fur before she went❗  Last time she got groomed she had a huuuge belly on her because her thyroid issues hadn't been diagnosed back then, but now, for the first time since being on her pills, you can actually see her waist and she's a lot healthier shape-wise too.


I've forgotten to post this for the last 2 hours - this book I'm reading then reviewing is just so good that I totally lose all track of time with it!  Woops!  I'll publish it now though, so that I don't forget again 🙄  Drinking a litre of hot chocolate has helped me to forget too 🤣

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