Saturday, 5 December 2020

News for 5th December 2020

I've literally just (5pm on 5th December 2020) found an awesome way to get news from around the world about friendship, social stuff and homepages! Come back here regularly to see the stuff that I've found most interesting... they will prolly just be links to the full piece elsewhere on the interwebs but as soon as I find out the information, I'll put it below. I'm hoping it'll be a pretty much daily thing and I'll delete them all each weekend to start off the next week with a fresh space.

I'll put them on my homepage too, so if you can't get here every day, just click on over there instead to catch up on all the latest worldwide news! Don't forget to appreciate all my hard work by liking, commenting and/or sharing too!

Primary school offers Hand of Friendship to Adults with Learning Disabilities
Friendship At Work: The New Strategic Weapon In Knowledge Work
Why our ageing social networks may need TikTok

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