Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Weekly virus scan started, pills taken, remembered not to... my email, so managed to get the virus scan going first time, without needing to reboot this week.

Did my exercises in bed again yesterday and I reckon I'll go back to that again instead of down here, I just still won't record the steps.

Time to make a start on the news for my three sites and two blogs now.  Not gonna be able to do it for the first couple of weeks (minimum) in January 'cos of JanNo (when I'll be writing Mitzi's biography this time) and November 'cos of NaNo.  There will be almost daily news other than that though, hopefully.

I'm pondering on buying Steve a fitness tracker so that he can give the reports to his nurse so that she can see just how much he sleeps, how much he eats and how little he moves.  It won't be a Fitbit and I haven't decided for certain yet, I'm just thinking about it right now is all.  What do you reckon I should do please❓  Leave me a comment in reply to this blog post - you don't need to leave your full name if you don't want to, just your initials or even a fake name if you prefer❓  Thanks in advance❗

The chef has just said that "we'll have our porridge after Marie's brought the shopping over 'cos knowing my luck, she'll turn up with it and the porridge'll burn then burst into flames and burn the house down or summat", but that's OK, 'cos apparently they are gonna be here before 8am 🕗 anyway, which seems to be our usual breakfast time, so that's alright.

Time to get started on the news now.

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