Monday 16 September 2024

Nite nite orl

I'm absolutely wiped out but I've got a surprisingly clear head right now, so my magic pill levels must be getting close to where they should be now!  It won't last but it's been good to not wander around in thick fog all day!

I've popped my last two pills of the day and opened the new boxes ready for tomorrow, so I'm gonna head on up to beddy-byes and I'll see you all in the morning with a hopefully clear head again!

Nite nite orl!


Fifth and final update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut - I've emailed her and asked her to write it down and pop it through my door next time she's over this way
  • Read and review a short book - it's what I'm hoping to do this afternoon
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer - need to save the plate for lunch
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on Instagram
  • Weigh myself
  • Log weight into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Bring in recycling containers
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Change bedding
  • Wash and dry bedding
  • Take clean bedding back upstairs
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink - leftovers today
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Do afternoon laps??
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them - someone is coming for them on Thursday
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

I think...

...I'm gonna go back to using my 500ml mug again 'cos I'm not usually drinking enough using the 350ml one... just gotta remember that now! lol

Book Review: 'Pippa Middleton: The Other Middleton Sister' by 1-Hour Royals

Kindle Unlimited

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ out of 5

If you've read any of my other recent reviews, you'll already know that I start them all off in the same way: by saying that every book I read and review starts off with the full stack of stars and that I'm always hopeful that they will all still be stuck firmly in place by the time I close the back cover.  You'll also know that I'm not shy about removing stars if I feel it necessary, but I always give my reasons for doing so, they don't just mysteriously vanish into thin air.

I read my first of this series recently and it took 3 hours for me to read without a break instead of the 1 hour that I was expecting and I'm not a slow reader!  How long will this book take I wonder?  I'm starting it at 3.33pm... let's see what time I finish it.

So far so good.  There has been mention of the two biggest social media companies, so the first star is decidedly wobbly, but at 57% it's still clinging on for dear life.

Well, that was a real eye-opener and it made me feel equally proud of and ashamed of what Pippa went through in the early days - she was ripped to shreds but still expected to smile.  I'm proud of how she has handled the new life she was thrown into though... it hasn't been easy for her, but she's a woman in her own right now.

I finished the book at 4.44pm so exactly 1 hour and 11 minutes which is more like what I was expecting with the first book that I read in the series.

Tomorrow, I've gotta remember... 

  • put in my next grocery
  • download, put together, code and upload last week's FitBit image
  • put the bags down in front of the door
  • bag up groceries
  • bring groceries in
  • put groceries away
  • hang the bags back up
  • collapse into an exhausted heap while I...
  • listen to podcasts

Fourth update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut - I've emailed her and asked her to write it down and pop it through my door next time she's over this way
  • Read and review a short book - it's what I'm hoping to do this afternoon
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer - need to save the plate for lunch
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on Instagram
  • Weigh myself
  • Log weight into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Bring in recycling containers
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Change bedding
  • Wash and dry bedding
  • Take clean bedding back upstairs
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink - leftovers today
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Do afternoon laps??
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them - someone is coming for them on Thursday
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Third update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut - I've emailed her and asked her to write it down and pop it through my door next time she's over this way
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer - need to save the plate for lunch
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Weigh myself
  • Log weight into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Bring in recycling containers
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Change bedding
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Do afternoon laps??
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them - someone is coming for them on Thursday
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Second update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut - I've emailed her and asked her to write it down and pop it through my door next time she's over this way
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer - need to save the plate for lunch
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Weigh myself
  • Log weight into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Bring in recycling containers
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Change bedding
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Do afternoon laps??
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them - someone is coming for them on Thursday
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

First update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut - I've emailed her and asked her to write it down and pop it through my door next time she's over this way
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer - need to save the plate for lunch
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Weigh myself
  • Log weight into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Bring in recycling containers
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Change bedding
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Do afternoon laps??
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them - someone is coming for them on Thursday
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Just weighed myself

I'm not having any breakfast today so that I can save the plate for the leftovers at lunchtime but I've put on 500g so I can do the laps this week, but, like last week, only once a day.

Today's (16th September 2024) to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut - I've emailed her and asked her to write it down and pop it through my door next time she's over this way
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Weigh myself
  • Log weight into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Bring in recycling containers
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Change bedding
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Do afternoon laps??
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them - someone is coming for them on Thursday
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Mornin' all

I'm feeling better than I thought I would this morning, thankfully.  My legs are weak and wobbly so I'll take things easy if I do the laps today.  I've popped my morning pills with my morning glass of water and I've used the product test and taken the photo so just need to put the information in the spreadsheet now.  I've taken the first video of the day and week as well, so I'm just waiting for my morning carer to turn up now.

That was a very long paragraph lol

Gonna publish this and hopefully get my first to-do list of the week up before my carer arrives.


Sunday 15 September 2024

Nite nite orl

I'm absolutely wiped out so I've popped my final two pills of the week and I'm gonna crawl upstairs and into bed for the final time this week.

I'll see you all in the morning.

Nite nite orl.

Fifth and final update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Refill bottle with squash
  • Reply to C's email
  • Put key around my neck
  • Put bum-bag around my waist
  • Put the general recycling outside
  • Put the glass recycling outside
  • Refill dosette box
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut - I've emailed her and ask her to write it down and pop it through my door next time she's over this way
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer
  • Have breakfast - breakfast time at 8.20am
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps - giving myself the day off today
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Do afternoon laps?? - just once a day this week methinks
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

I've just...

...unofficially weighed myself and after having the big Sunday roast, I've still managed to put on 1.4kg in 6 days, so it's going the right way for me to be able to do two sets of laps a day again, starting tomorrow, so that's a relief.  I'm still well within the healthy weight range for my height so it doesn't matter if I miss a few sets, but I'm over the minimum atm, so the laps are unofficially back on, but nothing official until after I've had my breakfast and officially weighed myself tomorrow morning.

Fourth update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Refill bottle with squash
  • Reply to C's email
  • Put key around my neck
  • Put bum-bag around my waist
  • Put the general recycling outside
  • Put the glass recycling outside
  • Refill dosette box
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut - I've emailed her and ask her to write it down and pop it through my door next time she's over this way
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer
  • Have breakfast - breakfast time at 8.20am
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps - giving myself the day off today
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Do afternoon laps?? - just once a day this week methinks
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Third update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Refill bottle with squash
  • Reply to C's email
  • Put key around my neck
  • Put bum-bag around my waist
  • Put the general recycling outside
  • Put the glass recycling outside
  • Refill dosette box
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer
  • Have breakfastbreakfast time at 8.20am
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps - giving myself the day off today
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Do afternoon laps??just once a day this week methinks
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Actually feeling...

...pretty darn proud of myself right now!

I know that these will be minuscule achievements to the vast majority of you, but putting them all together in the same day and still being on my feet is a major achievement for me!

It started by needing to change my socks twice within a few minutes (achievement number 1) because the elastic had totally decided to snap in the top so one sock slipped down every time I moved so I had to change them as soon as I'd closed the door after my carer left, then hurriedly made my breakfast (achievement number 2) then made myself a drinking choccie 'cos I was gasping (achievement number 3) then got the choccie raisins out of the fridge 'cos I was still hungry (achievement number 4) and didn't panic about there not being time to put my breakfast photo onto Insta (achievement number 5). 

I didn't fall over the entire time I was out (achievement number 6) as well as remembering to ask my SIL for her bank details (achievement number 7) but we both forgot by the time we got back here lol  Achievement number 8 was that I managed to do my laps and achievement number 9 was that I managed to do the washing up then achievement number 10 was refilling my dosette box without getting muddled up and I've made myself a drinking choccie as a reward and I'm not going to move off the sofa until my 11th achievement of charging up my FitBit is done and dusted.

I'm gonna be seriously regretting it tomorrow but right now I don't care!

Second update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Refill bottle with squash
  • Reply to C's email
  • Put key around my neck
  • Put bum-bag around my waist
  • Put the general recycling outside
  • Put the glass recycling outside
  • Refill dosette box
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer
  • Have breakfast - breakfast time at 8.20am
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps - giving myself the day off today
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Do afternoon laps?? - just once a day this week methinks
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

First update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Refill bottle with squash
  • Reply to C's email
  • Put key around my neck
  • Put bum-bag around my waist
  • Put the general recycling outside
  • Put the glass recycling outside
  • Refill dosette box
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Do afternoon laps?? - just once a day this week methinks
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Today's (15th September 2024) to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Refill bottle with squash
  • Reply to C's email
  • Put key around my neck
  • Put bum-bag around my waist
  • Put the general recycling outside
  • Put the glass recycling outside
  • Refill dosette box
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Do afternoon laps?? - just once a day this week methinks
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Mornin' all

Loki has been active already this morning 'cos I dropped the lid of the squash bottle down the waste disposal hole.  Thankfully Gaia stepped in and helped me to reach right down into it so that I could bring it out again... just waiting for the Green Man to do his thing now lol

I've popped my morning pills with my morning glass of water while the virus scan was running, so I've just gotta take the video now then I'm all sorted until my last carer of the week arrives.

Time to publish this, get the video taken and hopefully put today's to-do list together in the next hour.


Saturday 14 September 2024

Nite nite orl

I'm absolutely cream-crackered so I've popped my last two pills of the day bang on time and I'm gonna head straight on up to beddy-byes.

Can someone remind me to reply to C's email at sparrow's fart tomorrow, ideally before my last carer of the week arrives please?  I definitely need to remember to put the recycling (especially the glass) out tomorrow too 'cos it's already too heavy for me to safely lift so that's gonna be a real struggle for me on top of everything else.  I definitely need to put my key around my neck and my bum-bag around my waist too otherwise I'll be locked out!

I'm seriously starting to struggle so it's time for me to sign off for the night now.

I'll see you all in the morning.

Nite nite orl.

Fourth and final update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts - it's what I'm doing now
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer
  • Have breakfast - breakfast time at 8.25am
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up - my carer did it for me
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Pull switch on in the bathroom
  • Have bath and shave - it's where I'm heading now
  • Pull switch off in the bathroom
  • Do afternoon laps?? - just once a day this week methinks
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Third update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts - it's what I'm doing now
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer
  • Have breakfast - breakfast time at 8.25am
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up - my carer did it for me
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Pull switch on in the bathroom
  • Have bath and shaveit's where I'm heading now
  • Pull switch off in the bathroom
  • Do afternoon laps?? - just once a day this week methinks
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Second update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer
  • Have breakfastbreakfast time at 8.25am
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Pull switch on in the bathroom
  • Have bath and shave - it's where I'm heading now
  • Pull switch off in the bathroom
  • Do afternoon laps?? - just once a day this week methinks
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Of course, an...

...easier way to keep up to date with what I eat for each meal would be to share my Instagram name lol

Everything will still be the same as it has been for the last however long, but the photos and comments will only be on Insta from now on so if you wanna keep up to date with my nutritional intake, just follow me on Insta at foodfotos4amanda.

Meal photo's...

...won't be happening any more either 'cos the same thing is happening with my breakfast photo this morning as happened with the carer videos yesterday, so Blogger have obviously decided to make the blogs text only which is disappointing, but it means that you'll just have to believe me about each meal now  😉

I'll still keep taking the photos and videos, they just won't be on display and if you wanna see them then you'll just have to email me and specify which date and meal you want to see so that I can let you have the photo and you can see that I'm still eating and be able to tell from the file name who made the meal 😉

I guess I'll have to work out a new system of colours (like with the blue on my to-do list) for media things instead now.

I'll still be putting the photos on Insta (until/unless they stop allowing that too) but my blogs will be text only from now on by the looks of things.

First update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer
  • Have breakfast - breakfast time at 8.25am
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Pull switch on in the bathroom
  • Have bath and shave
  • Pull switch off in the bathroom
  • Do afternoon laps?? - just once a day this week methinks
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Today's (14th September 2024) to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Charge up FitBit
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Pull switch on in the bathroom
  • Have bath and shave
  • Pull switch off in the bathroom
  • Do afternoon laps?? - just once a day this week methinks
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Mornin' all

The techie gremlins attacked last night and nothing I tried brought my internet connection back so I couldn't say goodnight to you all.

So far this morning I've popped my morning pills while the virus scan was running, taken the first video of the day and something else that I've already forgotten.

I'm in a pretty positive m... that was it!  I've used the product testing item and put the information onto the spreadsheet.  I'm feeling pretty positive so far this morning so I hope it continues!

I've gotta have my weekly bath this afternoon and there are a couple of Freeglers interested but have only said that they'll come today without giving me a time so I've replied asking them what time they'll be here so that I can arrange my bath around that.

I've gotta charge up my FitBit between carer visits too, otherwise it won't record my sleep tonight - you watch me forget though lol

This first blog post of the day is getting a bit long so I'll publish it and aim to put today's to-do list together.


Friday 13 September 2024

Fourth update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take photos of dry shampoo
  • Advertise dry shampoo on Freegle
  • Give package to neighbour
  • Give second package to another neighbour
  • Add liquid soap to next grocery order
  • Bring moisturiser downstairs
  • Use moisturiser on very dry hands
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Put first video on my new blog - it keeps giving me an error - I've officially given up now, no more videos on the blog
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Put second video on my new blog - I've officially given up now, no more videos on the blog
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer - breakfast time at 8.20am
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Put third video on my new blog - I've officially given up now, no more videos on the blog
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Put fourth video on my new blog - I've officially given up now, no more videos on the blog
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up - my carer washed up the already washed up washing up then rearranged the kitchen for me ðŸ˜ 
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Do afternoon laps?? - just once a day this week methinks
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed

Third update to today's to-do list

  • Drink glass of water
  • Take morning pills
  • Run daily virus scan
  • Use product test item while my laptop is booting up
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Read and review a book on my TBR pile
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Turn on air purifier
  • Take photos of dry shampoo
  • Advertise dry shampoo on Freegle
  • Give package to neighbour
  • Give second package to another neighbour
  • Add liquid soap to next grocery order
  • Bring moisturiser downstairs
  • Use moisturiser on very dry hands
  • Pay my SIL back for hair cut
  • Read and review a short book
  • Read MacMillian fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the MacMillan pack - I've gotta set up an official donation page on the MacMillan site, put the cash donation box together, apply the stickers into the appropriate places and start spreading the word
  • Read LPT fundraising pack
  • Do any necessary admin associated with the LPT pack - the things to do are pretty similar to MacMillan, so I'll do each pack a bit at a time so that I can be sure it's all done and dusted
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save first video
  • Compress first video
  • Put first video on my new blog - it keeps giving me an error - I've officially given up now, no more videos on the blog
  • Get washed and dressed with my carer
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save second video
  • Compress second video
  • Put second video on my new blog - I've officially given up now, no more videos on the blog
  • Log care into spreadsheet
  • Take bread out of the freezer - breakfast time at 8.20am
  • Have breakfast
  • Log breakfast into FitBit app
  • Put photo of breakfast on here and Instagram
  • Do washing up
  • Find photo of Steve and Mitzi on my computer
  • Keep checking Facebook about TFA product tests
  • Phone bank about scammer - it's hopefully been solved, I've just gotta be patient for another month to see if it happens again - the direct debit is still in place so I've emailed them again - the scammers replied today promising that I wouldn't be charged again so I guess I've just gotta be patient and if they *do* charge me this month, I'll contact the CAB about it
  • Do morning laps
  • Do the news
  • Take pre-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Save third video
  • Compress third video
  • Put third video on my new blog - I've officially given up now, no more videos on the blog
  • Take photo of lunch
  • Bring soup through to the living room to drink
  • Have lunch of a mug of soup
  • Take post-carer visit video of kitchen and bathroom
  • Log lunch into FitBit app
  • Put photo of my lunch up on here and Instagram
  • Log support into spreadsheet
  • Save fourth video
  • Compress fourth video
  • Put fourth video on my new blog - I've officially given up now, no more videos on the blog
  • Take lunchtime pill
  • Do washing up - my carer washed up the already washed up washing up then rearranged the kitchen for me 😠
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Do afternoon laps?? - just once a day this week methinks
  • Give clothes airer to Freegler
  • Give toaster to Freegler
  • Give peanuts to Olio-er - they didn't turn up so I've re-listed them
  • Collapse in a heap
  • There's vegan chocolate raisins in the fridge if I get hungry
  • Not to mention all the chocolate multipacks in the fridge as well
  • As well as the snacks in the tubs on the side
  • If I can wait for half an hour then there's fruit bread too
  • Keep an eye on Freegle to see if anyone wants anything
  • Keep hold of the game
  • Find more books to add to my TBR pile - just added 2 more in my favourite series to the list
  • Study my courses
  • Use product test item
  • Put details onto spreadsheet and update text document
  • Put product test item away
  • Take evening pills
  • Go to bed