Saturday, 15 September 2018

Saturday 15th September 2018

I reckon the pollen count is high this morning 'cos I'm in the throes of it already!

Taken me supplements - they all went down OK until it got to the multi this morning.  That refused to go down whole so I had to crunch it up to swallow it  😕 👎

Gonna try and take the pup for her walk now... wish me luck!

She doesn't want to go yet, so I'll try again in a bit.  😐

We've just got back and she didn't do 100% or even 150% but 200% this morning!!  Awesome puppy-dog!

That's the puppy fed too, so it's survey's for the rest of the day now!

That's the backup sorted for another week now.  Just need to get a new cardigan (this one has got holes in the elbow lol) and a USB stick thingy so that I can create a Windows start up thingy with everything on it that I need to start my laptop up from if things go tits up and I need to reformat my hard drive or whatever.  I hope it never happens 'cos I haven't got a clue what to do if it does, but it's better to be safe than sorry, right?

Not bad for pennies over £25!  Got meself a big mug that'll be here tomorrow, a memory stick thingy for the factory reset back up dooberries that'll be here on Monday and a cardigan that'll be here in the middle of the week... the poor postie is gonna hate me next week!  lol

AVG has just protected me from a threat on a website, so that's like 3 times in as many weeks... expensive but soooo worth it I reckon!  Definitely worth the year-long protection it gives!

I is an huuuuuge AVG fan and wouldn't go anywhere else now!

The mug has just been dispatched so it'll be here by 8pm tomorrow and it apparently holds half a litre of liquid!!  😲

The virus and malware scan has just finished too, so I'm still clear protected from online nasties... yaaaay!

The USB memory stick thing has been dispatched and will be here tomorrow too so by the time I go to bed tomorrow I'll be able to have half a litre of tea, coffee and drinking chocolate as well as being able to do the restarting thingamejig too... just waiting for the cardigan now!

You only need to create the restarting dooberry once, right??  I can just create it then bung it in the drawer so that it's ready, right??

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