Saturday, 29 September 2018

Saturday 29th September 2018

22 years, 4 hours and 13 minutes ago I lost my first twin.

I will never forget him.

Walked the pup and she did 150% today, so there's 550% in the bank after 6 days.  As always when we've done at least 100%, she decides when to come home and she only wanted to do an extra half today which was fine by me!

22 years, 4 hours and 47 minutes now.

Morning cocktail taken.  The Iron disintegrated on my tongue but the other 3 pills went down fine, thankfully.

We're up to 30% with the virus scan now, so hopefully that means it's over the sticky bit and will slowly work through the other 70% today, ready for backing it all up first thing tomorrow.

30ish survey links I've clicked on but not a single one completed yet!  Tsk!

22 years, 7 hours and 38 minutes since I lost my first twin.

Just finished reading a short book about ego.  It's live on Amazon and you can read the review just before this post too.

Just gotta carry on with the surveys now and try and forget about the pain that comes with today each year.

Another 10 that I've been invited to but don't qualify for!

45 wasted survey clicks that I didn't usually get past the first page on *sigh*  😒

Another 5 makes 50... almost made it to 25% on the last survey though!  lol

55 attempts so far today and still haven't completed a single survey!

60 attempts, zero completions today.

65 and still nothing doing.

Virus scan is still at 30% so my likkle laptop will be running for three whole days!  That's gonna run up the electric a bit but I pay a big chunk of it so it doesn't matter and it's only once a week too!

70 and counting...

75 invite rejections and not a single completed survey all day!

80 down and still nothing!

85 and counting...

90 invitations and not a single one finished all day.

95 and still not a sausage finished!

100 invitations and none fully completed today for some bizarre reason!

It's only taken all day and 101 invitations for me to complete my first survey of the day!  Yaaay!

105 survey invitations but I was only accepted and completed a single one throught the whole day!

110 survey invitations throughout the day and I've only been able to complete one of them... that's less than a 1% turn around today!

I'm wiped out so gonna publish this then head to bed.

Nite nite orl!

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