That's the backup done and dusted... there's a little pop up box that comes up about creating a factory backup but I can't find where it's stored for me to do it! 😞
Gonna take the pup for her walk now 👌 BBS!
The little cowbag refused to go for a walk, so we're using up a day's walk that's in the bank this week, which takes it down to 250% left, but it's Sunday so the last day of the weekly bank count up which ain't so bad I suppose.
She's been fed too, I'm just really angry with her right now.
Gonna take me supplements now, then try and lower my anger and blood pressure for a while.
That's the poo cleared up from the back yard, and the recycling and bin bag out ready for tomorrow.
Really am gonna take me pills now!
That's me pills taken. They all went down OK except the multi this time... that one took 3 mouthfuls of squash to get down!
Cold and flu... what's so different about them? Do you just feel too grotty to get out of bed with flu or is there pain or exhaustion or something else on top of the cold symptoms please?
Just had a shower and washed me hair ready for getting it cut tomorrow. Put the Aliceband in for a wash too so hopefully it'll be washed and dried by the time I go to bed tonight so that I can wear it again tomorrow morning to keep me hair out of my eyes.
Want about 2 inches off at the back and I'm trying to grow out the fringe I was given despite never wanting it.
Completed 2 surveys this afternoon and I'm wiped out so I'm gonna take me prescription and head to bed already! Nite nite orl!
That's me prescription taken and virus scan completed so I'm gonna publish this then head to bed... nite nite again!
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