Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Tuesday 25th September 2018

The pup is being a stroppy madam about going on her walk this morning.  Hopefully she'll want to go later on, but all she's doing right now is laying in her bed, scratching herself  😟

The puppy broke all records of the last 8 years and forced me to walk a huuuge 300% just now!  😵

She's walked further with Steve, but that's a record with me.  It's only 60 metres, but I won't be able to safely move for the rest of the day now!!

Supplements time now then that's it for the day.

Supplements all went down OK, thankfully, but I'm wiped out now so I'm not going to move off the sofa except to go to the bathroom now. 

I can't.

I just can't.

After only 2 days, the pup has already got 350% in the bank which is totally awesome for her and I'm proud of both of us for doing 550% in 2 days instead of the 200% I would have been happy with!

That was surprisingly easy!

Had an email from Malware Bytes to say that my subscription would be automatically renewed on 25th October unless I cancelled it.

I'm already covered for Malware with AVG so I clicked on the link to cancel it, clicked literally a single radio button and clicked the link to cancel the subscription.  That was all there was to it!  Literally 3 clicks and I've saved myself £25 for software that I don't need any more!

Thank you for the protection over the last year, Malware Bytes!

I'm stiff as a flippin' board now... even me fingers are protesting every time I move them and they were just on the pup's lead and my quad cane!!

Taken me prescription and started the daily virus and malware scan now.  Got no reason to believe that I'm infected with anything over the last 24ish hours but I reckon it's better to be safe than sorry.

Yep, totally free of nasties and no unsecured documents on my likkle laptop.  Just gotta keep doing the surveys until my prescription kicks in now.

First survey of the day done and dusted.

Given up with the survey's for today and we're having a Burger King meal for tea 'cos there's nothing I can have in the house that doesn't require cooking which just ain't safe for me to do!

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