Monday, 16 September 2019

Monday 16th September 2019

Mornin' all!

Time to take the puppy for her morning stroll.  It's Monday so time for the weekly long one today.

Same as usual length.  The puppy was pondering on walking further, but decided against it so I'll go and feed her now.

Puppy's been fed, so time for my morning pills now.

They all went down amazingly easily this morning!  Hopefully that means that today will be a good day❗

Next Monday is gonna be soo busy lol  Got the blood test that Brad wanted at 11am then I'll come home, have me lunch and go back for a follow-up for me OAB at 3pm then come home for a couple of hours then it's time for the shopping to come... all go next week lol  That'll hopefully be it for a while then though.

Even the Calcium went down reasonably easily today!  So far so good with today going well!

Gonna set up the charging of Patrick now, before I forget and get stranded half way down to the appointment a week today  😜

Set up a reminder for Saturday instead... Steve doesn't want to get stressed out with setting it all up then having to stop it when the shopping comes tonight.  It's an all day event, so hopefully it'll remind me as soon as I start my email programme 🤞!

Just bought another fitness tracker.  It was only £4.50 so if it stops working after 3 months like the original one, it's no great shakes.  Need to remember to find the original spreadsheet again lol

Off to beddy-byes now 🛌.  Nite nite orl❗

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