Tuesday 17 September 2019

Tuesday 17th September 2019

Mornin' all.

Steve's just given the puppy her thyroid pill, so time for walkies now, then I'll feed her.

Normal length walk today and she gobbled down her food so time for me to take me supplements now.  BRB

Got a video to code and upload of our baby girl today... wanna take me supplements first, before I forget though❗

That's me five morning pills taken.  Not as good as the last couple of days but not the worst either, so hopefully today will be an OK day as opposed to a bad day.

The video and two photo's are now up on my first page, until the end of September when I'll move them to Mitzi's 2019 page.

Just taken another couple of photo's of the puppy.  In her bed this time.

The puppy is being picked up between 11.30am and 12.30pm today... means I've got just over an hour left with her before she leaves us for the rest of the week 😢

I'm thinking I'll definitely need an extra 5 HTP when the puppy leaves today... my mood has already significantly dropped just with knowing that she's going this morning!  😟

Got a 6 minute video of the puppy dog currently uploading to YouTube!!  It will hopefully keep me going until the weekend... definitely the longest video ever, not only of the puppy but of me and Steve too❗

The puppy's just gone❗❗  😭

Burjers for lunch today, as is our routine now, so that the buns don't go stale. Zoop for lunch tomorrow 'cos of the virus scan... that's our routine too.  We're pondering on getting some squeezy mayonnaise to go with our burgers instead of the tomato or brown sauce.  Just gotta remember to do it now❗

That's the mayo added, along with lettuce and tomatos to hopefully add a bit of moisture to our burgers... slowly but surely we are improving our diet and therefore our health, so proud of us.

Done the basics of the next three weeks' shopping, so that's one less thing for us to do on a Tuesday now.  Gonna hopefully get Steve to move my blood test appointment from Monday to Wednesday so that we don't get too stressed out on Sunday and we can take our time getting Patrick sorted on Wednesday instead which will do wonders for my anxiety about the puppy running off through the open door.  Still got an appointment on Monday afternoon but that's OK, it's just one less thing to worry about is all.

Clearing the cache's of my two browsers, in preparation for tomorrow's virus scan and Steve's moved the blood test appointment to the Wednesday just after lunch, so I'll get Patrick sorted out and slooowly make my way down there after I've had me lunch.

Need to add decaf tea and coffee to one of the orders... they are all under £50 and we're not denying ourselves anything either, which is awesome.

That's the tea and coffee added.  Just under £50 now, but that's OK 'cos it's our weekly budget.

Time for me prescriptions now though.

They all went down OK, thankfully, so I can head to bed as soon as I start getting tired now.

Just started yawning, surprisingly soon after taking my pills, so maybe this morning's walk with the puppy tired me out more than I thought❓  Either way, I'm off to bed 🛌 now.

Nite nite orl!  💤

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