Sunday 24 May 2020

Sunday 24th May 2020

Morning all.

I've taken my morning pills 💊, taken the puppy for her morning stroll 🐾 and fed her, then she went out for a poo 💩 so that's it until lunchtime now.  Gotta put the rubbish and recycling out when Steve comes out of the bathroom, but other than that, the rest of the morning is devoted to studying now.

That's the daily 'Smart Scan' completed and I'm still free of viruses and malware.  Need to get into the habit of setting it going as soon as I boot up every morning, before opening up a single other programme, which will hopefully make it even faster.  It'll be interesting to see how long Wednesday's 'Quick Scan' will take... in theory it'll be the same as every other Wednesday scan and be finished by about 🕑 2pm-ish but we shall see, assuming I remember to do the right one this time 🤣

The rubbish and recycling is out ready for tomorrow morning now.  The puppy's poo 💩 was especially smelly this week for some reason and she produced a lot of it too, bless 'er.  Time to wash me hands and start studying now.

That's the puppy walked for a second time and I've got 85% on each of the two mid-course assessments so far... keep your fingers crossed 🤞 that I pass the third assessment and the final, whole course assessment at a reasonable time please❓❗

Got one last module to study, then the two assessments, then I can go to bed.  I've taken my last two pills of the day, so assuming I feel tired enough, I'm gonna aim to be in bed by around 10pm 🕙 tonight, cos that seems to be the bed time my body needs to get enough sleep.

It's taken 12 hours and it's 11pm 🕚 but I've finally finished the course I've spent all day on, so I'm gonna publish this, shut down and head to beddy-byes now.  Nite nite orl.

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