Tuesday 19 May 2020

Tuesday 19th May 2020

Mornin' all.

I was sooo close to hitting the 10,000 steps yesterday... only 798 short❗❗  My legs are really feeling it this morning though, so it'll be a very cautious and anxious stroll 🐾 with the puppy this morning and possibly this afternoon too.  Very short term aim is to hit 9,500 on Monday and hopefully the full 10k by the end of June.  I'm not gonna push myself too hard otherwise I'll end up on the floor, unable to get up but I'm within touching distance of it now❗  Considering that I considered 5k steps "impossible" at the start of October and I'm usually totally smashing that now, I'm just gonna keep on keeping on and walking the puppy definitely helps.  It's only 'cos yesterday was the first time we'd ever walked that far and we were both feeling wobbly by the time we got home, it'll just take a little while to get used to it is all.

I've already taken my pills, and because it's a Tuesday I didn't take the FA so crunched up the Calcium as well this morning, so that's it until this evening now.

Time to cautiously walk the puppy for the first time today, then check my email and carry on reading and reviewing the book.  Gonna leave off Facebook until I've finished the book though... too distracting  😄

That's the puppy walked, fed and watered now.  We are both completely wiped out but I've got a couple of photo's of the puppy and I doubt either of us will be very active again this week because of the extra walks in the afternoons as well as the morning walks.  I'm not gonna push either of us too hard this week so that we can get used to the extra walks every day, but hopefully by the end of next week both of us will be used to it again.

We're having an easy lunch of chips (fries for any American readers out there) today... fine by me❗

My fitness tracker from Wish has just turned up and is currently charging up - it's already working better than the one I got from eBay 'cos there's a battery symbol and time on the screen already which never happened with the eBay one yet it's ⅕ of the price❗  If you use my code of  chsbbzzzon on the Wish site, you can get up to 50% off your order... you have to wait quite a while for your order, but it's sooo worth it I reckon❗

That's the puppy walked for the second time today and I'm absolutely wiped out now, so the only time I'm gonna leave the sofa is to go to the bathroom for the rest of the day now.  It's a good job I don't need to do anything else for the rest of the day now❗ 🤣

My new fitness tracker is now fully charged and I've worked out how to get it connected to my laptop as opposed to my phone and it's recording my heart rate and blood pressure straight away.  It prolly won't be very accurate 'cos it hasn't got that cuff thing, but it's more accurate than nothing❗  Just gotta remember to ask the nurse what the accurate result is so that I can see roughly how accurate it is for my heart rate and blood pressure so that I can give it to my doc over the phone rather than taking up an appointment for something that takes under 5 minutes and could be used for a blood test or diabetic check or stitch removal or dressing change or vaccination or whatever else can't be done at home.

According to the tracker, my heart is currently beating at 83bpm and my blood pressure is 127/96 mmHg, whatever that means 🤣

Just finished reading and reviewing the book.  Not a single chapter anywhere throughout it and the Amazon page says it's suitable for 8-17 year olds which is an 9 year reading range when in reality it's not suitable for children or young adults - the word choices are too mature for 8 year olds and it's writing theme too immature for older teens - JMHO of course.

I've got the fitness tracker set up on my phone now (there doesn't seem to be a way to put it on my laptop, annoyingly) and connected my phone with my laptop too, so I can, in theory at least send longer texts faster and annoy you all faster too❗ 🤣

Taken me last two pills of the day and Steve's made me a mug of decaff tea, so I'll head to bed when I've drained the mug.

I'm gonna shut down and head to bed now, for an early night 'cos I'm still recovering from yesterdays walks with our senior puppy.  Nite nite orl 💤

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