Wednesday 6 May 2020

Wednesday 6th May 2020

Mornin' all.

Woke up really late this morning so I've taken my daylight pills before walking the puppy and I remembered not to open up my email because of the virus scan.

The update on the virus programme has just failed, so I might have to reboot my laptop before starting the scan, annoyingly, but it's only once a week so it's not too bad.

Gonna walk and feed the puppy now... BBS❗

That's the puppy walked 🐕 and fed.

I've got a theory about her pooing 💩 and today is what prompted it.

Usually we go out at about 8am 🕗, then I feed her and she goes out for her poo 💩 when we get home at about 9am 🕘.  We didn't even leave the house until 9am 🕘 this morning and she went out for her poo 💩 at 10am 🕙 so my theory is that she doesn't need a poo 💩 before her breakfast, the food that's now in her stomach pushes her poo 💩 in her system just enough that she needs a poo so goes out and does it then comes in for her reward.

Bit of a gross theory and it may not be the same for every dog 🐶 but it seems to be the way Mitzi's system works❗

It's a hot day out there today, even for me, and Steve couldn't believe his ears when I asked him to turn the fan on when we got home❗❗

Time to start studying now.  I'm thinking I'll do the CBT diploma today.  Wish me luck and keep your fingers crossed 🤞 that I pass it first time today please❓❗

Got a couple of photos of the puppy dog to put up on my site when the virus scan has finished.  Really have got to hit the books now though otherwise I won't be finished today❗

Now seems as good a time as any to stop studying for the day.  I've just finished Module 5, so I'm half way through now and I'll hopefully finish it tomorrow, assuming I can get an earlier start on it than I did this morning 🤣.  Gonna code and upload the photos that I took of the puppy then head to bed I reckon.

OK, the photos are up now, so I'm off to beddy-byes... see you all tomorrow❗

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